
We achieve to convey STEEL to all points in life for a sustainable future.


We aim to add value to our stakeholders by creating innovative solutions through our specialization, knowledge and technologic capabilities and to lead target markets.


Respect Employees and Being There for Them

  • We support and protect each other and respect diversities for the happiness of our employees.
  • We support diversities by providing equal and fair opportunities, and believe that organization can be enriched by freely explaining diverse experience, background, lifestyle and belief.
  • We act in an open, sincere, constructive and respectful way in all our communication efforts.
  • We continuously create and ensure implementation of positive and efficient communication processes.
  • We place importance to continuous development of our people believing that sustainability can be achieved by making contributions to society and environment.
  • We believe that all work-related accidents can be prevented. We never make concessions on health and safety of our employees in our operations.

Being Ethical by Demonstrating Proper Behaviors

  • We prefer acting in good faith and being fair, ethical, honest and reliable in our relationships over other gains.
  • We do not only do the work properly but also believe that doing proper things in terms of social values is important.
  • We act with sense of responsibility towards all our stakeholders, society and environment in all our decision-making processes.
  • Knowledge is our most valuable asset. We protect our knowledge and the knowledge of all our stakeholders in line with our common interests.
  • We work in accordance with laws and social values and always remember that we have to account for our operations.

Journey to Excellence by Seeking for Continuous Development

  • We try to achieve excellence in each product we develop and each investment we make.
  • We know that our success is based on our commitment to our vision and our adherence to excellence.
  • We prefer success over excuses through our structure that is open to learning, and describe success criteria with excellence.
  • We know that we can achieve the best results with correctly-designed processes, and clearly determine our process maps at the beginning of each work.
  • We encourage innovations with our perspective of a learning organization, and continuously develop ourselves to design our future together and try to share knowledge within organization in a fast and efficient way.

Customer Orientation by Creating Value Continuously

We work with great passion to develop our products and services, and create projects that will excite our customers based on this passion.

We always remember that the most significant return of our investments is the happiness of our customers.

We know that we must understand the needs and expectations of our customers to become a global leader.

We view needs from the perspective of customers in order to create value for our customers, and listen to them.

Our essential values are technology, quality, confidence and fast feedback on the way of creating happy customers.